Artsweek SHIFT Grant – The love of printmakingThis past Spring, I applied for an artist grant through EC3’s event Artsweek Shift 2 and was successful in my endeavours!
I am so extremely happy and proud to receive this grant, it means the world to me. It also means I will be able to take my printmaking even further.
Part of my grant application consisted on being able to further develop my skills, work with some not for profits to help raise funds through art projects, working with local businesses to create promotional materials and creating more greeting card designs
A special collaboration with Plant Goals and local artists!
With the pandemic causing a severe lockdown earlier this year, I wanted to connect with a local business and fellow artists. This was a great way to come together as a community and offer our clients something unique, while trying to show support to a business we all loved in our town, Plant Goals.
Brooklin Holbrough, Miguel Hernandez Autorino and myself came together as a small collective to bring you themed greeting cards. We offered unique designs for Mother’s day and then again for Father’s day, with each day having a different design.