Easter Wishlist at Watson and LouWith Easter just around the corner, I have been searching for the ideal gifts for the Easter Bunny to bring.
And the Easter bunny isn’t just coming for the little ones this year! Nope, they are going to come visit my loved ones of all ages. After everything we have been going through, why not spread the cheer?
With that in mind, I have been browsing the Watson and Lou online shop (a local Ptbo owned business), featuring so many unique and beautiful items. Not only does shopping here support a local business, but also supports all the talented makers they feature.
So really, its a win win all around!
Here’s a little festive flashback to take a look at!
On October 24, 2017 I had the honour of having Lindsday Biscaia from Global news, join me in the studio for some pumpkin carving.
We discussed the variety of ways one can carve pumpkins now, with an endless amount of mixed media choices. With the option of using an actual vegetable pumpkin, foam, ceramic or any other endless possibilities. We also mentioned the workshops I was hosting that year, where people were able to register and come create their own mixed media pumpkin. This was when I still had a large studio open to the public.
Local artists teaches the art of pumpkin carving
Mixed Media Artist, Brianna Gosselin, has been carving foam pumpkins for the Fresh Radio Pumpkin Sale for 5 years now. This is the first year that she will be holding a workshop at her Park Street studio to teach others how to properly carve a pumpkin – real or fake. Lindsday Biscaia caught up with Gosselin this morning to talk more about her workshop, and the art of properly carving a design into the side of a pumpkin.
Watch the video here on Global
Fall is my favourite season. The air is crisp, allowing one to breath comfortably after a summer of humidity. Gardens are full of seasonal bounty and the colours are remarkable.
With the cooler evenings here, I love taking full advantage of being able to make cook without heating up an already hot kitchen.
During my last grocery trip I picked up a small cooking pumpkin, intent on using it for something special, but not knowing just exactly what that may be at the time. After a few days of mulling, I was inspired to make a seasonal chilli from scratch.
As most may already know, I have a hard time following the rules, the same is true when it comes to cooking. 😉 I look to recipes for inspiration (mostly just the visuals), but I thrive off cooking with no recipe to specifically follow. Most often, it turns out quite well.
To add even more flavour to your chilli, make sure to bbq your corn and pumpkin. The results will be worth it, trust me.
And always make sure you have some company in your kitchen if you can, makes the process all the more enjoyable. 😉
The recipe below is the result of some very delicious chilli. I hope you give it a try for yourself and enjoy!
Honey’s Pumpkin Chilli
– 1 Medium Cooking/Yellow Onion
– 3 Stalks of Celery
– 1 Large Carrot
– 5 Medium Mushrooms
– 1/2 Red Bell Pepper
– 2 Cobs of Corn
– 1 Small Pumpkin
– 1 Can of Black Beans
– 2 Cans of Diced Tomatoes
– 1 tsp of Salt (+ more if desired)
– 2 tsp of Epicentre Chipotle Chile Spice
– 2 tsp of Freshly Ground Black Pepper
– 1 Small Jalepeno Diced
– Epicentre Smoked Paprika
– 1 Small Jar of Tomato Paste
1. Before beginning to prep any of your vegetables, turn your bbq on for preheating. Bring the temp up high, then after a few minutes bring the temperature down to maintain a consistent temp of 400.
2. Cut your pumpkin in half, then proceed to do the same to those two pieces, resulting in having 4 pieces all together. Peel your corn. Using a kitchen brush, apply oil generously onto the corn and pumpkin pieces.
Leave your pumpkin and corn to cook on the bbq, ensuring the temperature is at 400 or below. Continue to check on your vegetables (to avoid having your food become burnt) as you being prep for the remaining ingredients.
3. Take a large stock pot, placing it on the stove and setting the temp to low-med. Drizzle some oil in the pot. As your oil begins to warm, take your cooking onion and dice up the item. Drop the pieces into the pot, sprinkle salt and pepper in with it.
4. Begin chopping up the remaining vegetables in the following sequence, adding each group to the pot before moving on to the next; mushrooms, celery, carrot, pepper. Ensure you use a wooden spoon after adding each ingredient to stir everything up. This will avoid your items from sticking to the pan and burning. Adjust the temp to a lower level if needed.
5. Don’t forget to check on your corn and pumpkin! Rotate these items on the bbq if you haven’t already, you may also need to add a bit more oil if they seem too dry.
6. Open your can of beans and tomatoes, adding both ingredients to the pot. Bring the pot to a higher temp (medium, 6/7) to bring to a boil.
7. Add your spices that your prefer. I used Chipotle Chile Spice from Epicentre. If you wish for something with a bit more heat and flavour, jalepenos and paprika make an excellent combination. This amount of spice and flavour added during this step is entirely up to you and your tastebuds.
8. By this time your corn and pumpkin should hopefully be cooked. Turn off the bbq and bring your items inside. Be cautious when it comes to adding these ingredients as they will be very warm to touch. Scrape out your pumpkin, mashing it with a fork and cut the corn off the cob then add both to your chilli. Don’t worry if your corn has a few “scorched bits”, it won’t ruin the flavour. If anything, I find it enhances it 😉
9. For a thicker chilli, stir in tomato paste if preferred. I skipped this bit and found the pumpkin made the chilli just the right texture.
10. Once all your ingredients are in your chilli and has reached a boiling point, bring it back down to low, allowing it to simmer for 30-4o minutes or whenever you are ready to eat.
If you happen to have leftovers, it is amazing the next day as the flavours become more intense overnight.
Ideal for eating on its own, served with rice or on pizza. Try garnishing with a bit of cheese/daiya and avocado for an even richer taste.
Please feel free to send in pics if you make this, I would love to see how it turns out.
Do you like donuts?
If so, do I have a fantastic recipe to share with you!
As an artist, sometimes the creativity is blocked and I feel stuck.
Much like everyone does with what they do.
Luckily, I find working in the kitchen to be extremely healing and grounding for my spirit. Also lucky for those around me 😉 As I am most often unable to eat what I make, (due to allergies) my family enjoys my edible creations.
This past weekend I made Old Fashioned, Cinnamon Sugar, Baked Donuts. Created by Chrissie from The Busy Baker.
They were enjoyable to make and with them quickly disappearing into everyones mouths, I take it as a sign for passing the taste test too 😉

Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 7 minutes Total Time 17 minutes
Servings24 medium donuts
Author Chrissie from The Busy Baker
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 3/4 cup white sugar
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 3/4 cup low fat buttermilk
- 2 eggs
- 2 tbsp canola oil
- canola oil baking spray to grease donut pan
- donut baking pan
- large piping bag fitted with a large round tip
For Dipping
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and grease a donut pan with some oil spray.
- Add the flour, sugar, baking powder, nutmeg, cinnamon and sea salt to a large bowl and whisk them together until they’re combined.
- In a separate bowl or a large liquid measuring cup combine the buttermilk, eggs, and oil, whisking them together with a fork.
- Dump the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients. Using a rubber spatula, fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until a batter begins to form and the flour begins to disappear.
- Be careful not to over-mix as this will make the donuts tough and dry. Stop mixing as soon as the last streak of flour disappears and spoon the batter into the piping bag fitted with a large round tip.
- Pipe a small amount of batter into each of the 12 greased donut cups in a circular motion and be careful not to over-fill. This batter rises up quite a lot so filling the cups only half-way works perfectly.
- Bake the donuts at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for about 7-9 minutes. This recipe makes 24 donuts so you’ll have to repeat this process again a second time unless you have two donut pans.
- As soon as the donuts have browned slightly on the tops and they spring back to the touch, remove them from the oven and tip them out of their tins. Mix the remaining 1/2 cup sugar and 2 tsp cinnamon together in a bowl and as soon as you’re able to handle the donuts without burning your hands, dip each side into the cinnamon sugar mixture and set them on a cooling rack to cool completely.
Easter Colouring PageI hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter weekend thus far!
Sunday is when my side of the family will be having our big dinner and gathering. Which is always an exciting day, especially since the Easter Bunny often brings even us adults a special treat. And of course Honey gets spoiled!
If you are looking for something to keep young ones busy, or just to find some quiet time from the sugar rushes. I have a free colouring page for you to download and colour to your hearts desire!
Simply safe the image, then print it from your computer and you’re ready to roll.
Enjoy your weekend everyone!
“The journey is never ending. There’s always gonna be growth, improvement, adversity; you just gotta take it all in and do what’s right, continue to grow, continue to live in the moment.”
– Antonio Brown
I have been at a crossroads for the past few months. Two different opportunities presented themselves to me, both amazing and life changing.
Some of you who follow along on social media, may of seen me ask for some advice on which direction to go in. And I thank you for all the sincere and thoughtful words you offered <3
One opportunity was to grow the studio and the courses/workshops I offer. I was to take over the entire space, grow my wonderful team of instructors and push forward to eventually open a larger, ground floor, retail space.
The other opportunity was to pursue my art full time, full-fill two different apprenticeships that presented themselves and bring my artwork to more boutiques and shops in Ontario.
Both paths are creative, both are dreams of mine. But, to make a decision, it was time to listen to my soul.
The past few years have been a wild ride. I like to believe I have grown spiritually and gotten to know myself more.
I’ve met so many wonderful people through the studio and thoroughly enjoyed creating with them. But come January, 2019 the Studio will be closing down.
What does this mean?
It means I won’t be offering workshops or courses taught by myself or others (except for the occasional pop up workshop, led by yours truly). I won’t have a studio space accessible to the public. I will be leaving the space and will be working from home to pursue my art and participate in two amazing apprenticeships.
This was a difficult decision to make, but one I believe my soul truly needs for the path I am currently on.
I want to thank you all for your amazing support over the years and please no this is not the end!
You may still see the occasional pop up workshop in the community. Within time, I will reopen the studio and have an amazing team of talented artists to bring you creative workshops again.
Until then, you will still be able to take workshops at the Studio for the month of November and December. This will be your last opportunity to do so for some time. All these workshops are a fantastic way to carve out some time for yourself and make a creative holiday gift to give this year.
Thank you everyone for your support. I hope you continue to follow along on my next adventure <3
-Brianna Gosselin